Hi, my name is Thomas. I am a husband, father, runner, learner, Software Engineer and Software Architect.

22 years of experience building secure, scalable software. I bring strong backend & frontend skills (including .NET & Angular) and a collaborative approach to visualize and deliver pragmatic solutions. Always learning, I'm passionate about C4, Clean Architecture, Continuous Delivery and leveraging tools like SonarQube or DependencyTrack for secure applications. Let's exchange ideas and build something great together!

Currently I am working for the Buhler Group in Switzerland where I am occupied with collaborating, promoting and scaling the new inter business unit driven machine control platform.

From a certification point of view I am a:

  1. Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer / Web Applications
  2. Bachelor of Science FH in Information Technology and Communication
  3. Swiss Certified Automation Engineer


Here is what I am good at...

Architecture and Design
Complex software systems suitable for your current IT environment and interfaces.
Software Development
Development with current technologies such as Angular, ASP.NET Razor Pages / MVC, WinForm, Reporting Services, etc...
Current advice on technologies such as Angular, ASP.NET and desktop.


All views expressed on this site are my own and do not represent the opinions of any entity whatsoever with which I have been, am now, or will be affiliated.


The following list gives you a brief overview in my interests and work.

  • openiddict-ui: A headless UI for the openIddict-core stack.
  • apigateway: Sample application for using an API Gateway in order to provide a seemless UX.
  • microwf: A finite state machine with workflow character where you define your workflows in code.
  • microsts: A token issuer service with IdentityServer and an Angular admin UI.
  • microcron: A simple crontab library that calculates dates based on a cron expression.
  • microbus: A simple interface for implementing the Pub/Sub pattern.
  • docson: An integration event message type documentation service.
  • blader: Playground for azure portal like blade controls made with angular.
  • formdef: Generating dynamic forms with angular based on a form definition and a raw viewmodel.
  • Micro JobQueue: A job queue for random and scheduled jobs. Might be hangfire’s little sister.
  • My Expenses: Android and HTML5 offline App for managing our family budget.
  • Contact Manager: Android and HTML5 offline App for managing our friends and relatives contacts with addresses.
  • CSLA: A great framework that I heavily invested in learning and used for a bigger .NET based rich client application named EduPol, a planning tool for the Swiss Police Academy in the eastern part of Switzerland.